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Special white water summer offers

The magic period for a weekend discovering live white water with family or friends
The magic period for a weekend discovering live white water with family or friends

Special white water summer from 35 €

Special packages have been specially designed for everyone!

Family raft, Bambino raft, Ubaye Discovery Day, Full summer 1/2 day, 1 raft rafting in the morning, and choice in the afternoon a canoe / kayak-raft or white water rafting.

The programs are given as an indication.

We are at your disposal to concoct and organize together a program à la carte.


The white water summer formulas

Trips The datasheet Duration Prices
Bambino raft
Children from 5 to 10 years
Classe I-II / La Condamine >> Jausiers
x 1h 35 € / pers
Family Raft
Classe II-IV / Martinet >> Lauzet-Ubaye
Download the Family-Raft file.pdf 1h30 2 adults + 1 child
120 €
+ 35 € Child sup.
Ubaye discover
One day / two trips
1 rafting descent the morning + Choice afternoon 1 cano - raft or kaya - Raft or River boarding / Hydrospeed
Download the Ubaye discovery sheet.pdf 2 x 1h30 80 € / pers
450 € / 6 pers
Integral summer 1/2 day
III-IV-V Class / 1 raft descent Tonic  + Optionally 1 canoe - raft or kayak-raft
Download the file The descent of the Ubaye in full 2 x 1h30 75 € / pers
420 € / 6 pers